How to avoid regaining weight after a diet?
Too happy to have lost some extra weight, bad habits soon return and risk ruining all your efforts! It is for this reason that we must not stop his regime with a jerk, but first enter into a stabilization phase to avoid regaining weight.
To help, More PerfectShapeBlog offers simple and effective methods to keep your nice figure as long as possible!
Adopt a balanced diet
If your plan was to take control of your diet, for something different, but mostly eat healthier, there is little chance that you resume weight. You will certainly continue on your momentum.By cons, if you have opted for more drastic diets like fasting, then you will move to a more balanced diet.
Continue to dose nutrient and calorie intake your meals gradually increasing quality. Specifically, one quarter of your daily diet should consist of protein sources to provide the daily energy your body needs.
Eat as many vegetables, especially those that contain lots of fiber. Furthermore, also prefer foods with a low glycemic index, which give the impression of being full longer.
Not to gain weight, it is important to understand that you have the right to eat everything, but in reasonable quantities. Keep some good habits from your diet such as high consumption of fruits, vegetables and fish.
Enjoy every bite
Although hunger is unbearable for many hours, this is not a valid reason to finish your plate in an instant! Know you control chewing slowly and enjoying every bite. This trick allows your brain to receive signals fullness. This will avoid you to want to serve you up, even if the dish you taste is very delicious.In the same perspective, prefer unprocessed foods, that is to say, whole fruits instead compotes or chopsticks instead of sandwich breads. This will stall you more.
Making time to enjoy other
Obviously, the end of the regime means that the draconian restrictions are lifted. This does not mean you can eat all you want at will.The transition phase is to appear as a moment of comfort and reward. So feel free to chew one or two squares of chocolate if it really missed you during your diet.
In this way, you learn to control your cravings, which will prevent you from gaining weight. Moreover, you will not feel guilty and you feel bad about yourself.
Practice sport regularly
It is quite possible to lose weight by feeding you differently. However, the practice of sport is always recommended to perfect your figure. Remember that swimming sessions abs and help you get nice chocolate bars, refined legs and a flat stomach.So, do not stop! Instead, continue your program and even integrate beginners friends if you want to break the isolation during your exercise. This is an excellent way to stay motivated and keep her gorgeous body.
Do not skip any meals
Fear of gaining weight is very tough for some people. They will be very demanding with themselves, to skip meals. This is however not a good idea, a dietary point of view, especially if you go out a plan.This not only harms your health but the gourmet temptations will be stronger! You may eat more during your next meal to fill the gap. But it is better to eat several times in small quantities, rarely in large rations!
Getting away from all sources of stress
It is well known that stress increases the feeling of hunger and pushes an individual to find comfort in food. Therefore, each phase of the scheme is to be lived as smoothly as possible. It should avoid diets that could lead to disruption in your daily life. In addition, an invitation to dinner with friends should not make you panic!Just think that this is a rare and special occasion where you will consume in moderation.
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How to avoid regaining weight after a diet?
Reviewed by Blazing Hub