Mineral water, or tap water, how to choose?
Water, source of life, is a precious liquid without which no life on earth would be possible. It is obviously vital to our survival and we need to consume about 1.5 liters per day. However, exactly what water consumption? Between natural water, mineral or that from the faucet, how to choose the best for her body?
PerfectShapeBlog offers today a comparison of Mineral water Or Tap waters and helps you make the choice that best suits your needs.
Presentation of different Types of waters
Let's start with a short presentation of each type of water to help you see more clearly!- Spring water :
The source of water from the basement is water that undergoes no treatment before bottling. I must say it has no need for filtration or chemical additions, because it is free from pollution. From a microbiological point of view, this water is so pure and good to eat naturally.It includes a dose of minerals and trace elements it is impossible to determine with accuracy. Or should do tests before each bottling and print different labels. Indeed, its composition is not stable and, therefore, it follows the same criteria of potability that tap water.
- Mineral water :
Natural mineral water is pure as spring water and requires no filtration. However, its composition is stable and remains the same every exhaustion. This is why most of the mineral water brands communicate on a certain richness in trace elements (magnesium Hépar for example) or on the contrary, on a voluntary poverty in minerals (Mont Roucous example ).The latter is more recent and is intended to be sold for babies and pregnant women, who have to watch their intake of micro nutrients. Too many minerals can harm fetal development and growth of the child who has not a suitable body to eliminate.
- Tap water :
Tap water, meanwhile, is composition, training and different handling compared to the aforementioned waters. It comes from groundwater and rarely source, river or river. Moreover, tap water is subjected to treatments both mechanical and chemical before being dedicated to the consumption. Therefore, its composition varies from one city to another and even from one day to the next.The advantages and disadvantages of each type of water
The spring water and natural mineral water, may be included in the same vein: it is bottled water. These bottled waters have many benefits, including the presence of minerals and trace elements essential to our health. Nevertheless, this plastic bottle sometimes risk because hazardous materials used for manufacture, such as Bis phenol A, phosphates or polystyrene.Before buying a water pack, you can then check if the bottles are fully recyclable. This is usually indicated on the label. If this is the case, it means that they are made with environmentally friendly materials and therefore not dangerous.
Tap water also has advantages with treatment quality and rigor from pretreatment to post-chlorination. Nevertheless, despite these precautions, the risks remain. According to a study by Cemagref, pharmaceutical debris, such as pesticides and other organic materials remain in tap water despite treatment ...
Of course, the risk is often decreased in most cases. For tap water, just put a filter or when using a filter jug, this will also remove chlorine taste that can sometimes have. Remember also to let it flow 3 seconds before you serve a drink, just to remove accumulated debris and stagnant.
Choose water suited to their needs
In general, a healthy adult can very well put up with tap water or any bottled water. Infants and pregnant women should focus on weakly mineralized waters.After that, everything will depend on personal taste. Many people find that the tap water is chlorinated too much, others do not like some bottled waters. Just know that mineral water can sometimes help you in case of health problems.
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Mineral water, or tap water, how to choose?
Reviewed by Blazing Hub